At 1:39 PM -0400 5/22/01, Bob Pesavento wrote:
>Would it possible to have the complete UniCode font/s available on CD for


>and a small installer where a user could check on the portions of
>UniCode needed?

That would argue for a set of Unicode fonts, rather than one monolithic font.

>Then as needs change, the user could install/uninstall what was needed at
>the time and not have system resources used for complete UniCode font.

Operating systems are getting smarter about not loading large fonts 
completely into memory.

>Possibly a generic installer that could be in the Apple Menu(Mac) Start(PC)
>Also, is it correct that "Arial" is available as UniCode currently?

I have a copy of Arial Unicode MS on my Microsoft Office CD, 
certainly. You can download it from the Microsoft Web site as an 
addon to Internet Explorer.

>there others?

Nothing bigger, certainly, although fonts are available for most of 
the characters added in Unicode 3.0 and 3.1.


Now that cheap hard drives run about $2.50/GB, the 24MB required by 
Arial Unicode MS is not an excessive burden on anyone who would use 
it with any frequency in Windows. I don't know anything about Apple's 
Last Resort Fonts, but they can't be bigger.

My understanding is that adding all of the Roadmap scripts would not 
push a Unicode font or font set above 100M, which I am quite willing 
to live with, considering that I should be able to afford a 1TB drive 
long before that happy day.

Edward Cherlin
"A knot!" exclaimed Alice. "Oh, do let me help to undo it."
Alice in Wonderland

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