At 5:12 PM +0200 5/31/01, Marco Cimarosti wrote:
>>     Well, it can be said to be above  the minimum :-) depending on
>>  how you look at things. If you're a developer of embedded
>>  device with a
>>  really stringent requirement in memory footprint (for font
>>  and others),
>>  you may just go with 1:1 ratios for all three groups of Jamos
>>  (consonants
>>  and vowels) as found in old (mechanical) Hangul typewriters. However,
>>  as you can guess, the result is not pleasing to most eyes.

The manual Hangul typewriter I learned on had multiple forms for 
initial consonants, supplied by means of an extra shift level. (Yes! 
A mechanical buckybit!!  %-[ )

The really minimal level was *linear* Hangul produced by the telegraph system.


>The minimal model that I have in mind is slightly less "minimal": the least
>quality that won't sacrifice the normal orthographic rules of a language.

Which rules are the normal ones? Every publisher I've had anything to 
do with has used different sets of rules, over quite a wide range. We 
can't even agree whether ligatures are required in English, or 
whether an ASCII-sorted index is sufficiently human-readable.



Edward Cherlin
"A knot!" exclaimed Alice. "Oh, do let me help to undo it."
Alice in Wonderland

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