At 11:14 AM 6/30/2001, Sarasvati wrote:
>This is a public service announcement.
>Do you think you're on the Unicode mail list, but you don't seem to be
>getting any mail?  Do you know someone who thinks they're on the list, but
>doesn't seem to be getting mail?  If so, you may be another victim of the
>War Against Spam.  More and more hosts are scrutinizing incoming mail, and
>mail being relayed out to remote users.  I receive an ever-increasing
>number of mail delivery failures in one of the following flavors:
>            572 Relay not authorized
>            550 We do not relay for unauthorized hosts.
>            550 Relaying denied to ...
>            550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for ...
>There is nothing I can do about these.  In fact, we similarly deny
>relaying service to unauthorized systems.

Thank you. Keep up the good work.

Another list that I read has a related problem. There I can read but not 
post, because I am sending from a domain,, that still 
apparently has some open relays. This has earned it a place on somebody's 

>Cheery regards from your,
>         -- Sarasvati

Ed Cherlin
Coalition Against UCE

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