To anyone who is looking at the GB 18030 xml mapping file in our charset repository at

We found - thanks to Carl Brown's questions - that we had checked in an incorrect 
file, different from the correct file that we had published elsewhere on our web site 
in February.

The incorrect file was re-generated from our very ICU-specific .ucm mapping file, 
which means that that .xml file contained an incorrect, over-optimized validity table, 
and was missing the <range> elements that represent the part of the mappings that can 
be done algorithmically.
The explicitly listed assignments were correct and complete.

We have just fixed this. The file at the location mentioned above is updated.

I am very sorry for this blunder.


PS: The .ucm file itself is not incorrect, but does not contain all of the 
information. It is only complete with special GB 18030 code in the ICU library.
For details please see

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