Below is Ken Whistler's historical table of codespace counts, extracted from
the message "Is 879,309 enough?" and slightly refurbished, followed by the
Unicode 3.2 codespace allocation map (cf. ).

Your terminology may differ, but here's what's used below:

    BMP      = Plane 00, the Basic Multilingual Plane
    Suppl    = Plane > 00, the Supplementary planes
    Area     = as defined in Unicode 3.0 (though non-normative)

    Assgnd   = Assigned to a character in Unicode 3.2
    Rsrvd    = Reserved for special usage, can never be assigned to a
    Unasd    = Unassigned in Unicode 3.2, available for future assignment

Unicode:                U 1.0   U 1.1   U 2.0   U 2.1   U 3.0   U 3.1   U

BMP Alphas/Symbols       4748    6309    6509    6511   10236   10238
Suppl Alphas/Symbols                                             1691
Han (URO)               20902   20902   20902   20902   20902   20902
Han (Ext A)                                              6582    6582
Suppl Han (Ext B)                                               42711
Han Compat                302     302     302     302     302     302
Suppl Han Compat                                                  542
Hangul Sylls             2350    6656   11172   11172   11172   11172

Subtotal Assigned       28302   34169   38885   38887   49194   94140

BMP Private Use          5632    6400    6400    6400    6400    6400
Suppl Private Use                      131068  131068  131068  131068
Surrogate Code Points                    2048    2048    2048    2048
Controls                   65      65      65      65      65      65
BMP Noncharacters           2       2       2       2       2      34
Suppl Noncharacters                        32      32      32      32

Subtotal Reserved        5699    6467  139615  139615  139615  139647

BMP Unassigned          31535   24900   18136   18134    7827    7793
Suppl Unassigned                       917476  917476  917476  872532

Subtotal Unassigned     31535   24900  935612  935610  925303  880325

Total codespace         65536   65536 1114112 1114112 1114112 1114112

Unicode 3.2 Codespace Allocation

P  Range   Cells   Assgnd   Unasd   Rsrvd   Area
== =====   =====   ======   =====   =====   ===========================

00 00-1F    8192     5160    2967      65   General Scripts Area
   -----   -----   ------   -----   -----   ---------------------------
   00-1D    7680     4681    2934      65   Alphabets
   1E-1F     512      479      33       0   Latin and Greek extended

   20-2D    3584     2451    1133       0   Symbols Area
   -----   -----   ------   -----   -----   ---------------------------
   20-2A    2816     2451     365       0   Symbols
   2B-2D     768        0     768       0   <unassigned>

   2E-33    1536     1265     271       0   CJK Phonetics and Symbols Area
   -----   -----   ------   -----   -----   ---------------------------
   2E-2F     512      341     171       0   CJK radicals and description
   30-33    1024      924     100       0   CJK phonetics and symbols

   34-9F   27648    27484     164       0   CJK Ideographs Area
   -----   -----   ------   -----   -----   ---------------------------
   34-4D    6656     6582      74       0   CJK ideographs extension A
   4E-9F   20992    20902      90       0   CJK ideographs

   A0-A4    1280     1220      60       0   Yi Syllables Area
   -----   -----   ------   -----   -----   ---------------------------
   A0-A4    1280     1220      60       0   Yi syllables and radicals

   A5-AB    1792        0    1792       0   Unassigned Area
   -----   -----   ------   -----   -----   ---------------------------
   A5-AB    1792        0    1792       0   <unassigned>

   AC-D7   11264    11172      92       0   Hangul Syllables Area
   -----   -----   ------   -----   -----   ---------------------------
   AC-D7   11264    11172      92       0   Hangul syllables

   D8-DF    2048        0       0    2048   Surrogates Area
   -----   -----   ------   -----   -----   ---------------------------
   D8-DB    1024        0       0    1024   High surrogates
   DC-DF    1024        0       0    1024   Low surrogates

   E0-F8    6400        0       0    6400   Private Use Area
   -----   -----   ------   -----   -----   ---------------------------
   E0-F8    6400        0       0    6400   Private use area

   F9-FF    1792     1460     298      34   Compatibility and Specials Area
   -----   -----   ------   -----   -----   ---------------------------
   F9-FA     512      361     151       0   CJK compatibility ideographs
   FB-FF    1280     1099     147      34   Compatibility forms and specials


01 00-FF   65536     1594   63940       2   Supplementary Plane 1
   -----   -----   ------   -----   -----   ---------------------------
   00-02     768        0     768       0   <unassigned>
   03-04     512      138     374       0   Scripts
   05-CF   51968        0   51968       0   <unassigned>
   D0-D1     512      465      47       0   Symbols
   D2-D3     512        0     512       0   <unassigned>
   D4-D7    1024      991      33       0   Mathematical symbols
   D8-FF   10240        0   10238       2   <unassigned>


02 00-FF   65536    43253   22281       2   Supplementary Plane 2
   -----   -----   ------   -----   -----   ---------------------------
   00-A6   42752    42711      41       0   CJK ideographs extension B
   A7-F7   20736        0   20736       0   <unassigned>
   F8-FA     768      542     226       0   CJK compatibility ideographs
   FB-FF    1280        0    1278       2   <unassigned>


0E 00-FF   65536       97   65437       2   Supplementary Special Plane E
   -----   -----   ------   -----   -----   ---------------------------
   00-00     256       97     159       0   Tag characters
   01-FF   65280        0   65278       2   <unassigned>


0F 00-FF   65536        0       0   65536   Supplementary Private Use Plane
   -----   -----   ------   -----   -----   ---------------------------
   00-FF   65536        0       0   65536   Private use area


10 00-FF   65536        0       0   65536   Supplementary Private Use Plane
   -----   -----   ------   -----   -----   ---------------------------
   00-FF   65536        0       0   65536   Private use area

== =====   =====   ======   =====   =====   ===========================
P  Range   Cells   Assgnd   Unasd   Rsrvd   Area

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