Found this message in my outbox; just sending this out now for completeness.

At 12:47 PM 1/7/02 +0330, Roozbeh Pournader wrote:
>Accordingly, the Old Italic
>    script has a default directionality of strong left-to-right in this
>    standard. When directional overrides are used to produce right-to-left
>    presentation, the glyphs in fonts must be mirrored from the glyphs
>    shown in the tables below.
>Doesn't that mean that we need to have Bidi Mirroring property as 'Y' for
>those characters?

It seems that way. However, I am uncomfortable in adding support for 
"complex" script behavior for any 'dead' script into default properties 
provided by the Unicode Standard.

At least I'd want some more reflection on what (if any) the costs would be 
for such specification to be added.


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