On Wed, 13 Mar 2002, Michael Everson wrote:

> Um,
> What I think is that *I* for one am certainly not going to invest any 
> effort in pseudo-coding scripts in a "PreScript" Unicode Registry. 
> The work to get scripts proposed and encoded is enough. If someone is 
> interested in a script, and wants to build fonts for it based on 
> script proposals, he or she can do that, assigning PUA numbers to the 
> glyphs for testing purposes. When the script is standardized then 
> real Unicode numbers can be added.
> If users need to exchange data in a not-yet-encoded script, then they 
> should agree what PUA numbers they are using between them. That's 
> what ConScript is for. (We don't get a lot of people beating down our 
> doors to get stuff encoded though, and no, Doug, I haven't forgotten 
> Ewellic.)
> -- 
> Michael Everson *** Everson Typography *** http://www.evertype.com
                                         Wednesday, March 13, 2002
Perhaps I'm having a senior moment; what is "ConScript"?  I didn't find it
in either index to 3.0.  Is there a write-up in the Unicode web page you
can point me to?  Thanks in advance.  
          Jim Agenbroad ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )
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