> I've got a question I asked about on a couple of other lists, but didn't 
> get much response, so I thought I'd try here.
> One of our developers has asked me for input on a certain problem: "Do I 
> need to be able to work with numbers represented using digits/numbering 
> systems other than the European ("Arabic") decimal-based system, and if so 

Java and ICU4C and ICU4J all provide the NumberFormat class where you can set the zero 
digit for decimal numbers, and we have it preset to something different from ASCII '0' 
for some locales.
It assumes that there are 10 consecutive code points from that zero digit.

See http://oss.software.ibm.com/cgi-bin/icu/lx/en_US/?_=hi_IN&;
and scroll down to "Number Patterns".

See http://oss.software.ibm.com/icu/apiref/classNumberFormat.html

> how to I know what to do with things like U+0BF1 TAMIL NUMBER ONE 

Don't know about non-decimal numbers/number characters.


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