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Magda Danish
Administrative Director
The Unicode Consortium

> -----Original Message-----
> Date/Time:    Thu Oct 24 05:06:48 EDT 2002
> Contact:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Report Type:  Other Question, Problem, or Feedback
> Dear Sir/Madam, 
> in the newer Unicode versions you started to occupy the 
> surrogate area with new characters (e.g. CJK Unified 
> Ideographs Extension B
> Range: 20000–2A6DF
> The Unicode Standard 3.1).
> There are several mappings like the Hongkong supplementary 
> character set using those surrogate characters 
> (
txt), but unfortunately there are no fonts or input methods that support those 
surrogate mappings. (Actually even the "Government of the Hong Kong Special 
Administrative Region Information Technology Services Department" has no plans to 
develop a surrogate mapping version for fonts and input methods. Instead they use a 
mapping to the PUA U+E000 to U+F8FF). 

Do you know of any font and input method that does support the surrogate mapping? 

For our applications it is very important not to have any duplicate definitions of the 
same character in the database, whereas we would like to implement the state of the 
art mapping (surrogate are) rather than having the PUA occupied. If we start with the 
PUA mapping we cannot change it later.

But without the input method and the correct font it is difficult to pull it off.

Best regards, 

Dr. Christian Hansen
Server Technology 
SAp AG Walldorf

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(End of Report)

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