Begin forwarded message:

From: Paul James Cowie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu Aug 21, 2003  7:28:46  am Europe/London
To: Rick McGowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Please reduce chatty posts to Unicode list

Can we try to keep the (currently) numerous "chit-chat" posts on the Unicode mailing list to an absolute minimum?

If I wanted to read this type of submission I would log into a chat room....

Surely this type of interaction is best kept to private e-mails between list members?

What's more, such messages simply clog up the list archives (and members' inboxes) with (largely) useless submissions and fragmented responses.

Just my rant for the morning.....


Paul James Cowie

London, UK and Sydney, Australia

Area Supervisor, Tel Rehov Excavations, Israel
Committee Member, Friends of the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology

PhD Candidate, Department of Ancient History and Archaeology, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia

On Thursday, August 21, 2003, at 06:22 am, Rick McGowan wrote:

Curtis Clark,

Caviar, 10kg, €FEED

Heh, heh... Don't you mean:

Caviar, Akg, €FEED



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