
I am forwarding your email to the Unicode public list for a possible answer
from one of the list's subscribers.

Magda Danish
Administrative Director
The Unicode Consortium
+1 650-693-3921

-----Original Message-----
Date/Time:    Fri Feb 20 15:27:42 EST 2004
Contact:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Report Type:  Other Question, Problem, or Feedback

Hello and great site.

In short - is there a way to modify or make my own 256 character set?

I am working on displaying fonts on Palm OS with a program called iSilo.

It appears that Palm uses an Ascii Chart very similar to that used by
Windows (with a few PDA specific characters added).  It also appears
that Palm is limited to 256 characters.

iSilo is a program that translates web pages into a Palm readable

Greek letters will not display on the Palm if you use character set 1252
on none at all on your web page.

If you set the character set to 1253 (Greek) and use Greek characters on
your page, the default Latin characters in those Ascii positions will be
displayed.  In turn, if you use a custom font with Greek characters in
those spots - you get Greek letters on your web page and your Palm.

My problem is that I use arrows and other characters (such as the Male
and Female symbols) not on any specific Character set I have found.  I
can make a custom font for these and the Greek letters, but need to make
a custom character map.  Is there a way of doing this?

Thanks for your time.

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