On Thursday, May 20th, 2004 23:56, Philippe Verdy wrote:

> I see no real problem if not all the different orthographies are
> listed or if they are not used universally. As long as the name is
> non ambiguous. What will be important for interchange of data will
> not be this name but the Code (or N°, or even ID in UAX#24
> properties).

I disagree. When I put content on the web, under my signature, I care about
whether is written correctly or not. And when there are different
possibilities, I prefer the best one given any other constraints (such as
technical limitations here or there.)

> So there's nothing wrong if "Han'gul" is shown to users

Sorry: this is meaningless to me as French reader. And it is a mistake
(missing breve) when it comes about the McCune-Reischauer scheme. Half-good
fallback mechanisms are usually better than nothing, but worse than anything
else. And we do have better possibilities here.

> French normally has no caron and no breve, and the circumflex is used
> to mark a slight alteration of the vowel because of an assimilated
> consonnant in the historical orthograph (most often this circumflex
> in French denotes a lost "s" after the vowel).

Or it can be for other reasons. Which consonant is involved in "dû"?

> So the curcumflex on "Hangul" would be inappropriate for French,

Please go to Langues'O for this commentary. As I wrote, you will be probably
answered with the historical context.

Also, there are a number of circumflexes already in the names, which have
nothing to do with swallowed s (like in "dévanâgarî"), which furthermore are
the main entries, unlike the case at hand. Are you proposing to drop them?
Perhaps in favour of macrons (like is done in a number of dictionnaries, by
the way)?

> [Comments-OT]
>     The problem of apostrophes is that French keyboards don't have
> it, but only have a single-quote.

Huh ???
That is quite a time I did not use a French keyboard on NT/2000, but until
now, all did send apostrophes, not "single-quote".


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