À 17:31 2004-07-27, Mike Ayers a écrit:
>               Oddly, that was the pedantic explanation I sought.
> [Alain]  Am I supposed to find this nice?

        Boy, is my face red.  I used "pedantic" instead of "pedagogic".  My sincere apologies.

[Alain]  Accepted. Funny too! (^8&

>  I invite all those interested to join ISO/IEC
> JTC1/SC35/WG1, which will again try to do this (13 years
> after the first try).

[Mike]       Does one need to be an ISO member to participate?

[Alain]  Accreditation must come from a national body of ISO indeed.

> [Alain]  As I said in my previous mail, these definitions are
> not the best of definitions. The distinction is but
> intuitive, you have to see the diagrams where labeling makes
> the difference:
[Mike]       I don't have these diagrams.  Are they published somewhere public?

[Alain]  Patrick gave reference to the French text that is guing to be revised with the English one, it is good.

Alain LaBonté

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