-----Original Message-----
Date/Time:    Sun Dec 12 18:57:05 CST 2004
Contact:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Report Type:  Other Question, Problem, or Feedback
Opt Subject:  Displaying Chinese characters and Chu Nom characters

Dear Unicode,

 I am using Windows Xp pro, and have the Chinese simplified and
traditional, as well as Japanese and Korean fonts and IME's installed on
my computer. My question is if it is possible to have Chu Nom characters
display in my browser (Mozilla Firefox v1.0). An example of the
character can be found at this link,

,,the Unicode number assigned to this character is U+21a38, and when
inputting this number into the Unicode look-up chart, the box is blank.
Is there a way i can make characters up in this block of Unicode display
in my browser, and if so, what would i have to do?

 thank you for your time,

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(End of Report)

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