On 15 Jul 2011, at 09:47, Andrew West wrote:

> I am agnostic on all the symbols, but would say a definite No to encoding 
> graphic clones of all the format (gc=Cf), space (gc=Zs) and separator 
> (gc=Zl|Zp) characters shown on pages 3, 8 and 9 of that
> document.  It is not necessary, and would set a bad precedent for always 
> encoding all format and space characters in duplicate, once as a visible 
> character and once as an invisible character.

I disagree. The standard already has 
http://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U2400.pdf which is little different.

> If you want a font to display a visible glyph for a format or space character 
> then you should just map the glyph to its character in the font, as many 
> fonts already do for certain format characters.

Sometimes I might want to show a dotted box for NBSP and sometimes a real NBSP. 
Or many other characters. Or show a RTL and LTR override character without 
actually overriding the text. You'd need a picture for that, because just 
putting in a glyph for it would also override the text. 

Michael Everson * http://www.evertype.com/

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