"Mark E. Shoulson" <mark at kli dot org> wrote:

> And indeed, it went the other way too, back when ISO-10646 had not 17, 
> but 65536 *planes* and someone provided some reasonable evidence (or 
> just plain reasoned arguments) that 4.3 *billion* characters was 
> probably overkill.

Technically, I think 10646 was always limited to 32,768 planes so that
one could always address a code point with a 32-bit signed integer (a
nod to the Java fans).

Of course, 2.1 billion characters is also overkill, but the advent of
UTF-16 was how we ended up with 17 planes.

Doug Ewell | Thornton, Colorado, USA | RFC 5645, 4645, UTN #14
www.ewellic.org | www.facebook.com/doug.ewell | @DougEwell ­

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