On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 10:42:05AM +0530, Shriramana Sharma wrote:
> On 08/22/2011 08:24 AM, Peter Constable wrote:
> >I'm not saying that there shouldn't be_some_  software that can do
> >what you expect. But there will likely be some different views on
> >what ought to be included within that "some".
> Peter, given that both AAT and Graphite have provisions for assigning 
> custom properties including BC to PUA characters, it seems Uniscribe is 
> the only one missing out. Those advocating RTL PUA areas seem to reject 
> AAT and Graphite as "hacks" or "wow *one* application" [*].

I personally would say to make some blocks in Plane 16 default to "R", some
"AL" and some "ON". For fonts based on rendering engines that
don't allow fonts to change characters properties this would be
crutial, for those engines that are capable of changing the properties
it would present no problem (the font can change this properties arbitrary
even if it defaults to RTL...).

> [* = LibreOffice is the *only* multipurpose application running on 
> /Windows/ to support Graphite and I'm not counting SIL WorldPad. On *nix 
> platforms, *any* number of applications that use HB-NG for rendering 
> will be able to handle Graphite in the near future because HB-Graphite 
> integration is already done. That is to say, once GTK and Qt fully 
> switch to HB-NG.]

That said, the HarfBuzz-ng itself (i.e. it's own engine) tries to imitate
the Uniscribe. Most probably, Graphite fonts will still be an exception
on these systems...

> [sigh]
> -- 
> Shriramana Sharma

Petr Tomasek <http://www.etf.cuni.cz/~tomasek>
Jabber: but...@jabbim.cz

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