Philippe Verdy <verdy underscore p at wanadoo dot fr> wrote:

> As well, the small properties files can be embedded, in a very compact
> form, in the PUA font.

As soon as you embed all the information in the font, you require
different solutions for systems that use different font technologies.
I was thinking of something more portable.

> This small table can be limited to just listing the ranges of PUA code
> points that are strong RTL instead of LTR. Most often, there will be
> only one range, and this just requires a couple of integers in that
> embedded table (possibly more, only if you want to represent more
> properties), without requiring a complex XML parser or a complex
> parser for the tabulated ASCII format used in the UCD, which is
> overkill for just the few properties that are needed for correct
> display.

I generally assume there is more to character handling than display.

> So the duplication in each font is not a real problem (note that there
> won't be a lot of fonts, most often there will be only one that
> matches the PUA agreement and that is suitable to render the
> UCS-encoded PUA text).

Depending on how you count, there are already two to four fonts that
support Ewellic in the PUA.  There are probably many more that support
Tengwar or Cirth or Klingon.

Doug Ewell | Thornton, Colorado, USA | RFC 5645, 4645, UTN #14 | | @DougEwell ­

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