On 03/27/2017 05:46 PM, Frédéric Grosshans wrote:
An example of a legacy character successfully encoded recently is ⏨ U+23E8 DECIMAL EXPONENT SYMBOL, encoded in Unicode 5.2. It came from the Soviet standard GOST 10859-64 and the German standard ALCOR. And was proposed by Leo Broukhis in this proposal http://www.unicode.org/L2/L2008/08030r-subscript10.pdf . It follows a discussion on this mailing list here http://www.unicode.org/mail-arch/unicode-ml/y2008-m01/0123.html, where Ken Whistler was already sceptical about the usefulness of this encoding.
Aw, but ⏨ is awesome! It's much cooler-looking and more visually understandable than "e" for exponent notation. In some code I've been playing around with I support it as a valid alternative to "e".


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