On 12/5/2017 11:28 AM, Philippe Verdy via Unicode wrote:
U+2024 is not supported in any fonts I have loaded. A websearch of mijaket gives nothing.
U+20224 is used as a "leader dot", and does not match the expected metrics (it is  certainly not a mijaket, it should be more like U+0589, i.e. as a bold parallelogram, and not a thin leader dot).

Leader dots are NOT used as real punctuation, they are presentational, for example in TOC (table of contents), where they are aligned in arbitrarily long rows.

The note in http://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/U2000.pdf is absolutely not normative and in fact it is wrong in my opinion.

The mijaket (Armenian colon) should be encoded (preferably at U+0588 in the Armenian block) as it also has to be distinguisdhed from leader dots in Armenian TOC, exactly like the vertsaket was distinguished at U+0589.

Well, unless someone (you?) writes a proposal to that effect....

(I don't know the history of this particular "unification" but on the face of it would share your concern that unifying something with a very specific functionality and metrics, leader dots, with ordinary script-specific punctuation is not helpful - unless it can be shown that this unification is widely supported in practice. However, if your claim that 2024 is unsupported is correct, that would strengthen the case for reconsidering this; however the case would have to  be made in a formal proposal first).


2017-12-05 19:59 GMT+01:00 S. Gilles <sgil...@math.umd.edu>:
On 2017-12-05T18:44:05+0100, Philippe Verdy via Unicode wrote:
> The Armenian script has its own distinctive punctuation (vertsaket) for the
> standard full stop at end of sentence (whose glyph looks very much like the
> Basic Latin/ASCII colon, however slighly more bold and slanted and whose
> dots are rectangular). It is encoded at U+0589. And used in traditional
> texts instead of the "modern" full stop.
> But Armenian also has its own distinctive puctuation (mijaket) for the
> introductory colon between two phrases of the same sentence (whose glyph
> looks very much like the Basic Latin/ASCII full stop). It is not encoded
> and I don't like using the ASCII full stop where it causes confusion.
> Where is the Armenian distinctive mijaket? Shouldn't it be encoded at
> U+0588?

Off-list because I generally don't know what I'm talking about, but
grepping NamesList.txt for ‘mijaket’ gives U+2024. If this isn't
what you're looking for, my apologies.

S. Gilles

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