On Fri, Oct 12, 2018 at 3:57 AM Costello, Roger L. via Unicode <
unicode@unicode.org> wrote:

> Hi Unicode Experts,
> Suppose base64 encoding is applied to m to yield base64 text t.
> Next, suppose base64 encoding is applied to m' to yield base64 text t'.
> If m is not equal to m', then t will not equal t'.
> In other words, given different inputs, base64 encoding always yields
> different base64 texts.
> True or false?
true.  base64 to and from is always the same thing.

> How about the opposite direction: If m is base64 encoded to yield t and
> then t is base64 decoded to yield n, will it always be the case that m
> equals n?
Canonical translation may occur which the different base64 may be the same
sort of string...


> /Roger

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