On 1/25/2019 10:05 AM, James Kass via Unicode wrote:

For U+2019, there's a note saying 'this is the preferred character to use for apostrophe'.

Mark Davis wrote,

> When it is between letters it doesn't cause a word break, ...

Some applications don't seem to get that.  For instance, the spellchecker for Mozilla Thunderbird flags the string "aren" for correction in the word "aren’t", which suggests that users trying to use preferred characters may face uphill battles.

James, by now it's unclear whether your ' is 2019 or 02BC.

Spellcheckers are truly dumb sometimes when "user perceived words" don't match what the fussy prescriptionistas ordain.

And then you get parts of perfectly valid "words" rejected, and can't even fix them with overrides, because the override doesn't accept the whole _expression_.


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