> Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2019 21:00:55 +0000
> From: Richard Wordingham via Unicode <unicode@unicode.org>
> > The definition is trivial: the order of characters on
> > display, from left to right.  The only possible reason to split hairs
> > here could be when some characters don't appear on display, like
> > control characters.  Other than that, there should be no doubt what
> > visual order means.
> To me, 'visual order' means in the dominant order of the script.

That is not the correct definition, IMO.

> Furthermore, let me quote from the Bidi Algorithm:
> "In combination with the following rule, this means that trailing
> whitespace will appear at the visual end of the line (in the paragraph
> direction)."
> The 'visual end' is clearly not always the right-hand end!

This talks about the "visual end", not about "visual order".

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