> On 12 Feb 2020, at 23:30, Michel Suignard via Unicode <unicode@unicode.org> 
> wrote:
> These abstract collections have started to appear in the first part of the 
> nineteen century (Champollion starting in 1822). Interestingly these 
> collections have started to be useful on their own even if in some case the 
> main use of  parts is self-referencing, either because the glyph is a known 
> mistake, or a ghost (character for which attestation is now firmly disputed). 
> For example, it would be very difficult to create a new set not including the 
> full Gardiner set, even if some of the characters are not necessarily 
> justified. To a large degree, Hieroglyphica (and its related collection 
> JSesh) has obtained that status as well. The IFAO (Institut Français 
> d’Archéologie Orientatle) set is another one, although there is no modern 
> font representing all of it (although many of the IFAO glyphs should not be 
> encoded separately).
> There is obviously no doubt that the character in question <image003.png>is a 
> modern invention and not based on historical evidence. But interestingly 
> enough it has started to be used as a pictogram with some content value, 
> describing in fact an Egyptologist. It may not belong to that block, but it 
> actually describes an use case and has been used a symbol in some technical 
> publication.

>From the point of view of Unicode, it is simpler: If the character is in use 
>or have had use, it should be included somehow.

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