Doing a bit of looking around, I find that I have, in fact, asked this 
same question in September last year. And Clinton responded as well.

I must be getting a little old in the tooth not to have remembered this 
(as we say here, having a senior moment - not funny as I am getting to 
that time of life). I should have looked in my own archive of messages 
first, before writing.

So, even though there is no documents on the subject as yet, I'll still 
try to see what I can determine and do the changes to my original 
program and then give some feedback.


Bruce Rennie

On 14/02/16 16:19, Bruce & Breeanna Rennie wrote:
> Good afternoon Clinton,
> I have a simple question for you. When did the regex facilities get into
> the Unicon compiler? I am currently reading up on the Pattern Matching
> facilities and the document UTR18.pdf mentions them. I have local
> versions from the end of June last year and the end of September last
> year. The facilities appear in the sources I have for September.
> I can't recall any notification that these facilities were being
> incorporated. Did I miss some announcement?
> I have a small program using the regex library which I am now updating
> to patterns, but I will be interested in testing the regex facilities in
> the current Unicon compiler.
> regards
> Bruce Rennie
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