It's defenetly interesting to try Windows Ubuntu bash. I hope Win10 update at the end of July will bring it to us.  But and without it Windows is becoming the multy-platform system. Of course, you need to install third party SW for that. For example, Oracle VM Box or even better Docker (includes VM Box). Docker is ideal solution to have on one phisical computer a zoo of different systems. These ones even can communicate one with other!
Or git client for Windows combines CLI git with minGW. You can work with it as from Windows standard CLI console or Linux bash.
MinGW-w64/MSYS is a best approach to compile any C/C++ sources on Windows. But as it happened the gcc version is critical for success.
20.07.2016, 18:43, "Jafar Al-Gharaibeh" <to.ja...@gmail.com>:
   Thanks for the update. I've been meaning to reply by the email slipped through the cracks! I'm glad you figured it out. As you found out, different gcc versions behave differently, that is why we have ifdefs that checks for gcc version in a few places including the one you pointed out.
MinGW/64/MSYS are what I have been using for a long time. Interestingly enough, Windows 10 is bringing bash/Ubuntu-subsystem support in the near future, which is something I will definitely try and test with Unicon.
Thanks again!,

On Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 7:00 AM, Sergey Logichev <slogic...@yandex.ru> wrote:
Hello all!
Sorry for disturbance, but nobody reacted on my question (-:
Actually, I have quickly found the solution myself. The problem was not in Windows version, but in gcc version. Current minGW release includes gcc version 4.9.3. This gcc during compilation fails with the error described by me.
When I have tried other gcc versions (4.8.3 and 5.0.3) all were OK! I have tested it both on Win7 and Win10.
The one unconvinient thing with minGW that you can't change gcc (upgrade or downgrade). The ideal solution for Windows is install minGW with MSYS (make stuff) and minGW-w64 for which you can select any needed version of gcc (even 6.0.3).
As for Unicon itself builded from sources - it produces really more compact and fast code. By my raw assessments the performance is rised on ~30% at least. The great thing!
Thank you very much!
09.07.2016, 09:29, "Sergey Logichev" <slogic...@yandex.ru>:
Hello, friends!
Unfortunately I didn't managed to compile Unicon on Windows by default. I used the last version 4.9.3 of mingw32 on Windows 10. The process crashed on compiling xfsys.c file (which was produced by rtt from src/runtime/rsys.r). The gcc error is following:

fsys.r: In function 'Zreads':
fsys.r:1384:16: error: storage size of 'statbuf' isn't known
struct stat statbuf;

As I computed the problem is originated from the following lines of rsys.r

#if defined(NTGCC) && (WordBits==32)
#passthru #if (__GNUC__==4) && (__GNUC_MINOR__>7)
#passthru #define stat _stat64i32
#passthru #endif
#endif /* NTGCC && WordBits==32*/

It means that any attempts to redefine structure stat to something else fail. If I comment statement "#define stat _stat64i32" the compilation is successfull. The same problem is occured while compilation of rsys.r and rposix.r files.

I think, Jafar shall remove these redefinitions or fix them in some manner. By the way, the builded Unicon (afrer my own corrections in files mentioned above) was completly functional and fine working!

Thank you!

Best regards,



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