Okey Brian,
Sorry for disturbance. Of course it's better to all us to wait.
For first kick it's enough for me about Pigments. Python.
Please, finish your fight successfully!
Good luck! 
03.08.2016, 10:27, "btiffin" <btif...@vivaldi.net>:

On 2016-08-03 08:10, Sergey Logichev wrote:

 Hello Brian!
 I have got a very deep impression about your work! That's great! I
 mean http://peoplecards.ca/unicon
 Unfortunately, I am not interested in COBOL, so can't comment this
 your massive masterpiece.
 I would like to ask your about Unicon Pigments? I've never heard about
 it. How it can be used and where?
 I myself use for Unicon/Icon source highlighting the Notepad++ for
 Windows. As turned on now there are a range of another solutions, for
 example, Geany, Textadept or SynWrite.
 I am Icon/Unicon fan during last 25 years :-)

 Best regards,

I'm going to be a day or two, before I'd want to show anyone the
Icon/Unicon Pygments lexer, Sergey, but as soon as it's ready for beta
testing, I'll post a copy for the list.

Pygments is a Python utility, well integrated into DocUtils,
ReStructuredText, Sphinx doc gen etc.

Requires one small, one large change to get working. Highly dependent on
Python install path but if you use pip, and not distro repositories,
it'll be


Where N.M is python2.7 or 3.4 or what have you. From there


insert a line for Unicon ala

     'UniconLexer': ('pygments.lexers.icon', 'Unicon', ('unicon',),
('*.icn',), ('text/unicon',)),

(and one for Icon)

Then (which is where I'll be focusing some time over the next bit, is)


And you start scratching your head on the best way to manage all the
regular expressions. And then you fight with colour schemes. :-)

Then when it passes sample testing, it gets submitted it to Georg Brandl
and Team Pocoo, then shortly after that it'll show up on any website
that uses Pygments (many) or other Python based systems.

As a for instance, on a SourceForge Bug report

some c code

And the code listing will be highlighted on the bug report. That's
Pygments, 100s of lexers available already. And hopefully soon, it'll

some better code

On Wikipedia, it's

<syntaxhighlight lang="cobol">
        PROGRAM-ID. hello-world.
            DISPLAY "Hello, world!"

To get the Pygments engine, which is called even from that mainly PHP


 31.07.2016, 12:56, "btiffin" <btif...@vivaldi.net>:


 I've started in on a documentation set for Unicon.

 Early, (very early) sample at
 and http://peoplecards.ca/unicon/unicon.html and PDF trial at

 If this works out, and it looks like it will, I'd like to pester the

 good folk here for some accurate details on background, proper name
 spellings, and other odds and sods, so I don't lie on the
 pages, or miss anyone that deserves mention. (I hope I didn't
 any bounds snagging that logo temporarily, as that is also one of
 early questions, where to find approved art for third-party fan

 The Pygments lexer seems to be working out, but there is a lot more
 to get all the details right, and those won't be right until I get a

 little more used to the ins and outs of Icon/Unicon syntax. It'll be
 few days/weeks/.../ before the code will be in shape to submit to

 As a little background, I've been working on a GnuCOBOL document for

 some 8 years now, it's just passing the 1,200 working toward the
 page mark. That document is homed on SourceForge at


 (We don't have a unicorn, we use Sire the workhorse as a mascot for
 COBOL project)

 If the Icon/Unicon Pygments lexer gets approved, it should show up
 as a
 feature on SourceForge shortly thereafter; (writing the GnuCOBOL FAQ
 where the COBOL syntax highlighting came from originally, as I
 the listings in colour). It turned out to be a subsystem used on the

 forge, and it really does help put a snap on the Discussion forum
 If you don't turn up Discussions, it'll still be there to
 source listings in the trouble tickets, and the other places where
 use SourceForge. But again, more work to do, and I haven't talked
 Georg Brandl in a while, so I'm not sure how swamped he is, and
 have to be submitted, approved, and then some delay before the
 team will upgrade the Pygments install, as their schedules permit.
 As a
 bonus, Pygments is used on Wikipedia as well, so colour listings
 work on those pages too, along with what might already be there for
 Geshi in MediaWiki.

 That's all beside the point at this stage. For now, I'd appreciate
 if someone could drop responses on the Who's who of Unicon, and the
 When's whens, etc.

 Please feel free to critique and criticize, and/or tell me to halt.
 it's ok, I'll be working on this for a while, and I like to post
 and often, and I'm always up for being corrected. These docs will
 a free license. But I don't usually put a license on posts until I
 that a work is ready for redistribution by others. If the Unicon
 project has a licensing preference, I'd like to hear about it, and
 match to suit, as long as freedom free is part of the choice.

 Along with the ReStructuredText there will be Markdown pages and a
 Fossil repository of all the code listings I plan to pepper the
 with, for people to pull from.

 Lots to learn, lots to polish, and it's already way too much fun. I
 never had a chance to work with co-expressions when I was using Icon

 back in the 80s, 90s, but I was mightily impressed experimenting
 them today. So many features to explore.

 Thanks for Unicon, and once again, feel free to critique and/or yell
 me. I do all my work using GNU/Linux, so this doc set will be
 from that point of view, if that means anything to anybody.

 Have good, make well,
 Brian Tiffin

 P.s. I've updated the Rosetta code language popularity entry, so
 free to yell at me about that one as well.

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