On Wed, Aug 3, 2016 at 1:14 AM, Jeffery, Clint (jeffe...@uidaho.edu) <
jeffe...@uidaho.edu> wrote:

> If Jafar says Windows and Mac builds HAVE_SSL, maybe it meets a minimal
> portability standard to be a general Unicon feature.

With your &features update as of this morning, on Linux I got the ssl
feature out of the box.  On MacOS however, I didn't see that feature. I
remember I looked at this before and I can confirm now, Apple dropped
openssl headers with the release of El Captain. Apple uses its own
implementation across their operating systems. There are however ways to
get around this, so it shouldn't be a show stopper. I will test on windows
when I get a chance and report back. I would say implementation-wise, we
 should try to abstract the API internally in case we need to use platform
specific libraries if that is the only/better choice.

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