On Sat, Dec 31, 2016 at 06:52 AM, Don Ward  wrote: 
On 30 Dec 2016, at 03:34, btif...@vivaldi.net (mailto:btif...@vivaldi.net) 

Jafar, Clinton;  I need a little education on the new mkExternal feature in 
icall.h, as I could not get a working sample. Currently, pointer data is just 
sent back as an integer handle (which will break on some platforms), and I'd 
like to extend the supported types to C structs and pointers to memory blocks, 
etc.  I hope that just a short working example on what the actual C data type 
declaration is to start running with it; could not tell from the macro, so I 
thought I'd just ask instead of flailing about.

I’m guessing we’re talking about revision 4642 here.  If so, the “guilty party” 
is me.  The intention is that an external value is an opaque type: something 
that is generated by the C code, passed into the Unicon code and given back as 
required.  The Unicon code should not manipulate it or poke around inside it 
—it’s supposed to be opaque — just give it back to the C code when needed.
A good example of it’s use (which will be coming to a distribution near you 
fairly soon, I hope) is the way that RFC6234 handles the secure hash context.  
The context, which is created by the routines, is passed back to the caller, 
which gives it back to the hash routine for each subsequent operation.
I hope that makes things a bit clearer. Sorry for the confusion, but the RF6234 
code, which would have provided an example of how to use mkExternal, is still 
in the works, awaiting some changes to how things are organised.

Thanks, Don.

I'm starting to get my head around it a little more.  It will come in handy on 
the next update of uniffi, as I'll be adding struct data passing and return 

It took a little while to unsquirrel the list management, and I'll be asking 
for feedback on how that might be improved on, and strengthened.  I had to add 
the b_elem struct to my local copy of icall.h to make it easier on the brain, 
but then stumbled into how IListVal and RListVal works, and went from there. It 
is simpler now, then when I was flailing, but I'm not overly sure it's safer or 
the most efficient.

libffi and calling C routines without loadfunc is pretty handy (and much fun).  
The libffi cut has a lot of platforms covered, including s390 z/Linux, and 
Windows and Mac, and FreeBSD and on and on.  Making for some pretty neat 

Listings are up at, 

Still work to do, a lot more tests, adding in all the data subtypes, etc.  But 
it already covers a lot of bases.  And not that much code.  Worked out the 
double/float typing problem by using a two element list for arguments that need 
to be demoted.  There is more subtyping to do, and figure out some way of 
allowing mutable call by content without risking Unicon core types.  It'll 
almost assuredly come down to make temporary or tended copies, and adding 
another function for accessing the result sets (might be lists, records, 
encoded strings, whatever structure it ends up looking like for the Unicon 
programmer side).

Have good, happy 2017 everyone,
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