On 03/08 08:02, Eric Wong wrote:
> Jeremy Evans <c...@jeremyevans.net> wrote:
> > The worker_exec configuration option makes all worker processes
> > exec after forking.  This initializes the worker processes with
> > separate memory layouts, defeating address space discovery
> > attacks on operating systems supporting address space layout
> > randomization, such as Linux, MacOS X, NetBSD, OpenBSD, and
> > Solaris.
> > 
> > Support for execing workers is very similar to support for reexecing
> > the master process.  The main difference is the worker's to_i and
> > master pipes also need to be inherited after worker exec just as the
> > listening sockets need to be inherited after reexec.
> Thanks, this seems like an acceptable feature.


Here's V2 of the patch, which I think should address all of the issues
you pointed out.


>From 8e68bf8c6a8b91704f31dd9b9a62e6f2e330e380 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jeremy Evans <c...@jeremyevans.net>
Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2017 10:19:02 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] Add worker_exec configuration option

The worker_exec configuration option makes all worker processes
exec after forking.  This initializes the worker processes with
separate memory layouts, defeating address space discovery
attacks on operating systems supporting address space layout
randomization, such as Linux, MacOS X, NetBSD, OpenBSD, and

Support for execing workers is very similar to support for reexecing
the master process.  The main difference is the worker's to_i and
master pipes also need to be inherited after worker exec just as the
listening sockets need to be inherited after reexec.

Because execing working is similar to reexecing the master, this
extracts a couple of methods from reexec (listener_sockets and
close_sockets_on_exec), so they can be reused in worker_spawn.
 lib/unicorn/configurator.rb | 10 ++++++
 lib/unicorn/http_server.rb  | 83 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 lib/unicorn/worker.rb       |  5 +--
 3 files changed, 77 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/unicorn/configurator.rb b/lib/unicorn/configurator.rb
index 7ed5ffa..f69f220 100644
--- a/lib/unicorn/configurator.rb
+++ b/lib/unicorn/configurator.rb
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ class Unicorn::Configurator
         server.logger.info("worker=#{worker.nr} ready")
     :pid => nil,
+    :worker_exec => false,
     :preload_app => false,
     :check_client_connection => false,
     :rewindable_input => true, # for Rack 2.x: (Rack::VERSION[0] <= 1),
@@ -239,6 +240,15 @@ def timeout(seconds)
     set[:timeout] = seconds > max ? max : seconds
+  # Whether to exec in each worker process after forking.  This changes the
+  # memory layout of each worker process, which is a security feature designed
+  # to defeat possible address space discovery attacks.  Note that using
+  # worker_exec only makes sense if you are not preloading the application,
+  # and will result in higher memory usage.
+  def worker_exec(bool)
+    set_bool(:worker_exec, bool)
+  end
   # sets the current number of worker_processes to +nr+.  Each worker
   # process will serve exactly one client at a time.  You can
   # increment or decrement this value at runtime by sending SIGTTIN
diff --git a/lib/unicorn/http_server.rb b/lib/unicorn/http_server.rb
index ef897ad..a5bd2c4 100644
--- a/lib/unicorn/http_server.rb
+++ b/lib/unicorn/http_server.rb
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ class Unicorn::HttpServer
                 :before_fork, :after_fork, :before_exec,
                 :listener_opts, :preload_app,
                 :orig_app, :config, :ready_pipe, :user
-  attr_writer   :after_worker_exit, :after_worker_ready
+  attr_writer   :after_worker_exit, :after_worker_ready, :worker_exec
   attr_reader :pid, :logger
   include Unicorn::SocketHelper
@@ -105,6 +105,14 @@ def initialize(app, options = {})
     # list of signals we care about and trap in master.
     @queue_sigs = [
       :WINCH, :QUIT, :INT, :TERM, :USR1, :USR2, :HUP, :TTIN, :TTOU ]
+    @worker_data = if worker_data = ENV['UNICORN_WORKER']
+      worker_data = worker_data.split(',').map!(&:to_i)
+      worker_data[1] = worker_data.slice!(1..2).map do |i|
+        Kgio::Pipe.for_fd(i)
+      end
+      worker_data
+    end
   # Runs the thing.  Returns self so you can run join on it
@@ -113,7 +121,7 @@ def start
     # this pipe is used to wake us up from select(2) in #join when signals
     # are trapped.  See trap_deferred.
-    @master_pid = $$
+    @master_pid = @worker_data ? Process.ppid : $$
     # setup signal handlers before writing pid file in case people get
     # trigger happy and send signals as soon as the pid file exists.
@@ -430,11 +438,7 @@ def reexec
     @reexec_pid = fork do
-      listener_fds = {}
-      LISTENERS.each do |sock|
-        sock.close_on_exec = false
-        listener_fds[sock.fileno] = sock
-      end
+      listener_fds = listener_sockets
       ENV['UNICORN_FD'] = listener_fds.keys.join(',')
       cmd = [ START_CTX[0] ].concat(START_CTX[:argv])
@@ -442,12 +446,7 @@ def reexec
       # avoid leaking FDs we don't know about, but let before_exec
       # unset FD_CLOEXEC, if anything else in the app eventually
       # relies on FD inheritence.
-      (3..1024).each do |io|
-        next if listener_fds.include?(io)
-        io = IO.for_fd(io) rescue next
-        io.autoclose = false
-        io.close_on_exec = true
-      end
+      close_sockets_on_exec(listener_fds)
       # exec(command, hash) works in at least 1.9.1+, but will only be
       # required in 1.9.4/2.0.0 at earliest.
@@ -459,6 +458,40 @@ def reexec
     proc_name 'master (old)'
+  def worker_spawn(worker)
+    listener_fds = listener_sockets
+    env = {}
+    env['UNICORN_FD'] = listener_fds.keys.join(',')
+    listener_fds[worker.to_io.fileno] = worker.to_io
+    listener_fds[worker.master.fileno] = worker.master
+    worker_info = [worker.nr, worker.to_io.fileno, worker.master.fileno]
+    env['UNICORN_WORKER'] = worker_info.join(',')
+    close_sockets_on_exec(listener_fds)
+    Process.spawn(env, START_CTX[0], *START_CTX[:argv], listener_fds)
+  end
+  def listener_sockets
+    listener_fds = {}
+    LISTENERS.each do |sock|
+      sock.close_on_exec = false
+      listener_fds[sock.fileno] = sock
+    end
+    listener_fds
+  end
+  def close_sockets_on_exec(sockets)
+    (3..1024).each do |io|
+      next if sockets.include?(io)
+      io = IO.for_fd(io) rescue next
+      io.autoclose = false
+      io.close_on_exec = true
+    end
+  end
   # forcibly terminate all workers that haven't checked in in timeout seconds. 
 The timeout is implemented using an unlinked File
   def murder_lazy_workers
     next_sleep = @timeout - 1
@@ -495,19 +528,31 @@ def after_fork_internal
   def spawn_missing_workers
+    if @worker_data
+      worker = Unicorn::Worker.new(*@worker_data)
+      after_fork_internal
+      worker_loop(worker)
+      exit
+    end
     worker_nr = -1
     until (worker_nr += 1) == @worker_processes
       @workers.value?(worker_nr) and next
       worker = Unicorn::Worker.new(worker_nr)
       before_fork.call(self, worker)
-      if pid = fork
-        @workers[pid] = worker
-        worker.atfork_parent
+      pid = if @worker_exec
+        worker_spawn(worker)
-        after_fork_internal
-        worker_loop(worker)
-        exit
+        fork do
+          after_fork_internal
+          worker_loop(worker)
+          exit
+        end
+      @workers[pid] = worker
+      worker.atfork_parent
     rescue => e
       @logger.error(e) rescue nil
diff --git a/lib/unicorn/worker.rb b/lib/unicorn/worker.rb
index e22c1bf..8bbac5e 100644
--- a/lib/unicorn/worker.rb
+++ b/lib/unicorn/worker.rb
@@ -12,18 +12,19 @@ class Unicorn::Worker
   # :stopdoc:
   attr_accessor :nr, :switched
   attr_reader :to_io # IO.select-compatible
+  attr_reader :master
   PER_DROP = Raindrops::PAGE_SIZE / Raindrops::SIZE
   DROPS = []
-  def initialize(nr)
+  def initialize(nr, pipe=nil)
     drop_index = nr / PER_DROP
     @raindrop = DROPS[drop_index] ||= Raindrops.new(PER_DROP)
     @offset = nr % PER_DROP
     @raindrop[@offset] = 0
     @nr = nr
     @switched = false
-    @to_io, @master = Unicorn.pipe
+    @to_io, @master = pipe || Unicorn.pipe
   def atfork_child # :nodoc:

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