Jeremy Evans <> wrote:
> Thanks for this patch.  I'm not an RB_GC_GUARD expert, but the changes
> look fine to me. The existing RB_GC_GUARD calls were added by me in
> 2012 to fix an earlier segfault.[1] This is the first reported
> RB_GC_GUARD-related segfault in sequel_pg since then.

No worries; I don't consider myself a RB_GC_GUARD expert, either(*).

> [1] 

I suspect your original guards were lucky enough for C compilers
in 2012, but compilers have gotten more clever since then.  So
there's a a higher likelyhood of exposing bugs given the
conservative GC in Ruby(**).

Historical note:

  Back in the day, "volatile" alone was enough to defeat
  compiler optimizations in C Ruby.  Eventually, compilers got
  better, so RB_GC_GUARD was introduced.  And in the future,
  RB_GC_GUARD may evolve to accomodate even more clever

> Pere, I would appreciate if you could test this patch and see if it
> fixes your issue.  I will also test it and will release a new sequel_pg
> version with this patch if it fixes the issue.

Yes, actually testing the code is important, everything else
I've written here is theory ;)

(*) Fwiw, I am not fluent in reading asm for systems I run Ruby on,
    but I know how clever compilers can be, and have written
    about it some on ruby-core:

(**) similar story with lock-free multi-threading in other projects

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