Matt Gruebel, asked me to forward his response.
He is a "friend" and I am "anti-plan", but we are friends and neighbors
and can trust each other to share views, even opposing views.  Even
though I am against public bathrooms, I am generally very grateful to the
"friends" for maintaining and the park and promoting youth programs and
other events.
Below is Matt's answer to specific questions regarding what the "friends"
The friends do much more, for the park and for the neighborhood.  "Busy"
people, the "Friends of Clark Park" are often found helping other
community organizations including Spruce Hill CA,  Town Watch, Gardening
Clubs, Baltimore in Bloom, etc.

--------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Mathew Grubel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2001 20:09:46 -0400
Subject: Clark Park Answers. RE: (was) Illegal drugs, truly filthy sex

Dear Liz,
        One of my neighbors forwarded to me this post from a Mr. Ellingsworth
to the list-serves.  I did not see his e-mail address, but if you have
it, or wish to forward this to the same list-serves, perhaps that will
be helpful.

Mr. Ellingsworth & Others in the Community,
        As a Board Member of the Friends for three or four years, I can shed
some light on the questions you ask.

> What is it again that the Friends of Clark Park do?

A. My understanding is that the FoCP was formed by nearby residents in
the 1970s to do whatever they could to make the park better. When I
joined, they had established some contacts and were able to co-ordinate
city services for the Great Leaf clean-ups, get some services when they
weren't happening, as well as supporting some of the small events like
Veteran's Day.  More too, but that's the type of stuff, plus the
children's soccer program.

> I see workers cutting the grass, but I assume that they are from the
> Parks department.  Is this correct?
> I know that one of the young men from MOVE voluntarily walks through
> the park after weekend events, cleaning up debris left over.  Is he a
> Friend?  (He is definitely friendly.)

A. Mike is a great guy, and done a great job for 3 or 4 years now. He
actually works for the Department of Recreation, part time, and only
half a year.  The position title is Summer Maint. Attendent. The Friends
have tried to supplement the salary of the SMA, and we voted to boost
the amount for Mike this year.  
> I see trashmen removing trash; not sure where they are from.  Are
> they the Friends?  UCD?

A. Yes, no, maybe.  Lots of folks I use to see picking up trash in the
morning.  I used to pick out of 43rd street all last summer.  But Mike
does most of it.  Last summer Recreation assigned Mike another park for
two weeks, and boy it showed!  He is supposed to co-ordinate with the
Rec trash truck so they don't have to drive through the park.  Lou used
to be able to get the Streets Department send a second truck for
pick-ups at the end of the week.  Now, the UCD has a contractor, and its
a part of his contract to remove the trash on Thursday or Friday while
Rec's truck comes on Tuesday.  
        Last year the UCD did not send their own crews into the park.  This
year I've seen them there, but whether that is official or not, I don't

> I see that the flag pole in the center of the park NEVER has a flag
> raised on it.  Should the Friends do this?

A. "Should" as in "could"?  Sure.  If the board really wanted to.  Big
expense would be installing the rope.  The there's the matter of
maintanence, and lighting, etc, etc.  But if people really wanted to,
there is no reason why not.  Most of the Friends time and money has gone
ot other projects however, and even there, it has not been enough to
compensate for the neglect.  Last year, it was Mike who fixed the
basketball hoops on his own accord, and got some used nets.  The fence
has been in for repairs for ?? number of years.  Last month the 1/2
court backboard came down.  Gee, and I haven't even got to the
playground or trees, or walks, or benches or signs...

> I see that the pavement along all of the walks is broken, shifting
> and, generally, in need of replacement.   Do the Friends remedy this?

A. We used to try and remind the city, request capital repairs, etc. 

> I see that the lights in several of the poles along the walks have
> burnt out bulbs which need replacement.  Do the Friends do this?
A. Same as above.  The Friends Maint. chair used to report the lights
out.  Not sure if anyone was on top of it this year.  There was also
some dispute over who was responsible for the wiring.  Councilwoman got
them to fill the hole back up, but since then..?

> I see groups of people holding events - plan them, clean up
> afterwards, leave the park as it was before they arrived.  Are they
> Friends?

A. Different events, different groups.  Hopefully, they all join the
Friends, but anyone can request a permit.
> Question:
> Who is responsible for Clark Park, and what are those
> responsibilities?

A. The Department of Recreation is responsible for Clark Park.  An
agreement was signed between Recreation and the UCD for the UCD to
manage a supplementary maintanence contract.  Recreation is still
supposed to do what they were doing before, haul the trash, cut the lawn
once a month, provide an SMA, plow the outer sidewalks (they really do
it sometimes), fix things.
>From the Sidewalk to the street, trees are the responsibilty of
Fairmount Park, not Rec.  All of the new trees have been planted by the
Friends as far as I know.


Mathew Grubel
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