yues indeed, I got it on channel 19 opn our cable, a Spanish
channel,,,,,when I left around 9 it was not yet over and it was Ger. US
1:0.... very tough game very equal teams... seemed as if US did a lot of
fouls, but my spanish is bad and the colors did not come through well so I
could be wrong...
        hope you got a bit, Vivianne

At 9:57 PM -0400 6/20/2002, Mark Krull wrote:
>I wish to watch the US v Germany game. Does anyone know a venue
>that I could watch this 7:30am Game

Dr.Vivianne T. Nachmias
Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology (Emerita)
School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
421 Curie Blvd.
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6058

Fellow, Center for Community Partnerships
Chair, Education Committee; Board Member, Garden Court Community Association

t: 215-898-3162 (please call at home if not there)
f: 215-898-9871

home: 215-748-4689 (best place to call, leave message)

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