The motion was never voted on because the submitter didn't know that a motion to change the by-laws must first be approved by the board before the membership is allowed to vote on the motion. Instead a motion was passed to compel the board to propose a solution by the January membership meeting.

I am not on the board but was at the August board meeting when the dog committee results were presented and at the meeting Wednesday. The board's position (as stated by Tony) is that they received the results from the dog committee at their last board meeting (in August) and at that time chose to "think about the results" and discuss it further at their board meeting in December. Thus they have not had time yet to discuss this issue. Others pointed out that the committee finding presented in August were the same findings that were presented in April and are available on the FOCP website. Thus there was nothing new to consider and they appear to some to be dragging their feet. It's kind of like the presidential debates...the facts are open to interpretation.

Lastly, some expressed frustration that this was circumventing the dog committee's work. At the August board meeting, the dog committee completed their job and disbanded. The next step seems to be to choose one or more of their alternatives. This issue has been discussed for almost a year now and the dog committee findings didn't change significantly from April to August and it's now October. I'm new to how these types of organizations work but it seems to me that the motion presented was somewhat timely and consistent with past proceedings and if nothing else, further compelled a discussion of the issue. It isn't clear why the board didn't discuss this in August and it's considered wrong for the membership to try and move this forward. It seems to me that the motion presented at the membership meeting provided a good forum for discussion. Instead it seems to have been taken by some as a slight to the dog committee and the FOCP board.

At your service and always ready to express my opinion,

FX Winkler wrote:
Could somebody who was at the meeting let the rest of us know why the motion to create a dog run failed to progress?
I would be interested in knowing the positons of the FoCP Board members towards the creation of the park. Maybe next year someone will have to create a Dog Pak slate of board candidates

*/Anthony West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:

Friends of Clark Park officers and directors were chosen at the Fall
membership Meeting on Oct. 13 at Griffith Hall.
President Tony West, Vice President Ron Hudson, Secretary Jonathan
Snyder and Treasurer Bill Moriarty were reelected by acclamation
without opposition to another one-year term. The six seats for
two-year terms on the Board of Directors were contested. The winners
were Brad Zinn, Darryl Stovall, Fernwood Smith, Stefanie Moore,
Betty Collins and Ruth Andrews.
The membership approved a plan to raise dues starting Jan. 1, 2005.
A motion to create lifetime memberships and junior memberships was
tabled until the January Membership Meeting. Another motion, to
pursue a dog run in the park and establish a committee to oversee
it, followed a similar course. Both will be studied by the Board in
the meantime, and the Board will make its recommendations to the
members in January.
-- Tony West

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