In a message dated 11/3/2004 1:08:50 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
4) You also ask, "Do most people who have been hospitalized feel that way?" Before writing my post, I discussed my experiences and thoughts with about a dozen friends and relatives who had undergone hospital stays in the last few years, including several who'd had the exact same operation as I did. They all agreed with me, both in theory and in practice. Several explicitly stated that a post-op patient has a responsibility to be "selfish," especially as regards the time and energy spent on calls and visits, in order to focus on his or her recovery. One told me the story of how she'd had to ask the hospital to evict her parents from her room when they wouldn't let her rest after a painful and exhausting Caesarian section. So, yes, I'd say that most folks who've had similar experiences do, indeed, share my views.
I agree completely with Dave. When I went into HUP for gall bladder surgery I specifically asked my wife to phone my place of employment and tell them I wanted NO VISITORS. Sure enough the day after I had surgery I was visited by two old lady busybodies from my department whom I specifically did NOT wish to have in my post-op bedroom. When they showed up I had to restrain myself from throwing the bedpan at them. Instead I just pulled the sheet over my head until they left.

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