DUDE! You OWN a parking lot?? For "higher-end" vehicles?? And here I thought
you were one of us, a comrade and member in good standing of the
revolutionary underground. What else do you OWN, dude? Care to come clean?
If not, as you well know, we have ways of discovering and eliminating dirty
traitors in our midst. Meet me at the Lubyanka for lattes at midnight.

Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky


 On the heels of a smashed car window rampage across the whole area a few
weeks ago, two were busted out in my fenced-in-and-gated (well-lit, too, but
we know how much good that does ... it may be a good example of lights
helping the perps) parking lot last night (45th just south of Walnut).
Several cars were parked overnight. Only two were touched -- both higher-end

I don't know if there's any precautions anyone can take -- other than to
be sure there's nothing even hinting being worth taking left in view.
(Whether this applied here, I don't know).

Semper vigilans
Al Krigman

See what's free at AOL.com <http://www.aol.com?ncid=AOLAOF00020000000503>.

Ross Bender

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