I liked being referred to as "Liz Campion, a prominent University City
real-estate agent", but my statement was not properly recorded and the
conclusion does not accurately reflect the outcome that I desire.  The
accurate quotes have been placed in Italics.
I "suspect universities approach their neighborhoods in a top-down manner
that ignores local leadership."
I believe that "Councilwoman Blackwell for a long time has supported the
'trickle-down' theory of Penn investment."  It was not reported, but I
also said, "This can be wise.  If a City grant can jump-start matching
dollars from institutions and neighbors, and 2-3 dollars hits the local
economy for every tax dollar spent, than the neighborhood wins."
I said, "... if Penn is importing people who are not from the
neighborhood and trampling on the wishes of the neighborhood..."  But MY
ending was, "it is not serving or representing the neighborhood.  And if
this is being communicated to the Councilwoman by unhappy voters, than I
understand why she might shift to trickle-up economics".  I define
Trickle up economics as helping more needy constituents and hoping their
use of dollars will lead to rippling improvements.  
I've heard people call her statements "Threats".  I saw them as an
attempt to satisfy constituents.  If PENN or UCD continues to hand pick
the "Community" representatives who sit on their boards, and if the
neighborhood is fairly unanimous against this and other points of
dissatisfaction, (such as the John Fenton suspension), than it begins to
make sense to deliver money directly to 52nd Street or 64th Street and
not flow it through UCD.  My personal belief is that a well moderated UCD
has the theoretical potential to do more good than the disconnected or
redundant attempts of disconnected Community Associations.  But, in the
Thursday meeting, it was clear that many community leaders are not happy.
I know that I do not like being ignored, patronized or discriminated
against.  Many of our neighbors said this is how they feel.   I think
some of our neighbors made a good case for changes that need to take
place.  We all deserve to feel respected and included in decisions about
the people and "services" being 'offered' to the "community" by UCD and
I did NOT say that I am "...supporting Blackwell's attempt to rein in
UCD."  I believe our politicians, (including Councilwoman Blackwell, a
politician I like and respect), answer to us, the voters.
I also believe UCD should answer to the community's that it is purporting
to serve.
What I support is the Councilwoman helping our neighbors define goals and
ways (possibly including UCD) to better implement them.
To be fair to Tony, our conversation was a hasty, and impromptu one.  We
bumped into each other on 43rd Street.  I am amazed at how much, and how
accurately he remembered so much of what was said.
Thanks for letting me clarify things.

On Thu, 14 Jun 2007 12:25:04 EDT [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Click here: The Philadelphia Public Record 

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