Tony's article was almost accurate, and he quoted Liz and Melani, but he
neglected to even mention the MOST IMPORTANT local stakeholder, namely ME. I
have been typing frantically to this list ever since the proverbial granola
hit the fan, questioning facts, challenging evidence, pointing out the
evildoers, spouting wild but articulate theories about what exactly
happened, offering my years and years' worth of experience in this
neighborhood, and what do I get for all my efforts to sincerely serve my
beloved University City Village??? EXACTLY NOTHING, that's what!! Or as
Hegel put it "GAR NICHTS"!!

What the heck is wrong with Tony????? Can't he see the facts that are, or
should be, directly under his eyes -- namely, the importance of ME? Is he a
dumb jerk or simply misled, or fundamentally evil, or what???

Just to get the facts out and the citizens involved, I am beginning a
PROCESS tonight, at the Green Line, or possibly the Abbraccio, beginning at
8:00 pm so that the Mayor and Police Commissioner can be present IF THEY
CHOOSE!!! If they don't show up, then it will be baldly and starkly revealed
just exactly what they think about the importance of us, ME, the
stakeholders and the little children yet unborn.

My PROCESS will be clear, transparent, transcendent and NOT UP FOR GRABS.
Absolutely ANYBODY is welcome to attend -- whores, wankers, lunatics,
druggies -- but PUH-LEAZE, no damn Yuppies. On the other hand I want to be
inclusive, so Yuppies are welcome to attend IF THEY ARE READY TO FACE THE
WRATH OF THE PEOPLE and risk getting a pizza in the face.

Due to schedule conflicts, I may or may not be attending the PROCESS, but
the media will be there, and I know from past experience that they will
distort the hell out of this event and not even mention ME, and the



Ross Bender

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