I long to own talent of the magnitudes exhibited by Ross, Ray, Frank,
Kyle and others.
I have to settle for sharing meals and reading (and sometimes buying)
examples of their art.
As someone who attended Catholic School for 12 years, I generally fault
my posts for being too simple.
I favor declarative statements and documentable facts.

Don't mistake length for complication.
I blame PENN for the length.
While pursuing a degree, too often length was weighted too heavily in
I get lots of off-list posts reminding me to edit.
I hope I improve in the area of brevity.
Simply... do not confuse my support of Lewis with support for a NID.
Personally, I stand to benefit from any program that cleans up after
other people.
But, my principles are against erecting a slippery slope that:
        Taxes one segment of the population and not others
        Discriminates by source of income and choice of 'work"
        Decreases individual responsibility
        Removes incentives and disincentives for neighborhood cooperation

        Creates another layer of self funding bureaucracy
                (like PPA that exists to ticket not resolve bad parking)
        Might be a tool to promote the HD (truly evil, in MHO)
And so, I am not likely to make much noise for or against a BID, but
would be probably correct or protest any false, manipulative or even
simply naive representations.
Sorry, but I can't back BIDs.
I am willing to continue to do more than "My Share", and keep my
properties (and adjacent sidewalks and storm drains) clean and decorated
and also work to promote:
        better use of the services that should be delivered based upon
our existing taxes
        neighborhood cooperation, especially assistance to the elderly,
fragile and overwhelmed
        tree planting and tending
        self reliance
        common sense solutions (like storm drain clearing) to snow and
water removal
        expressions of gratitude to our many neighborhood volunteers 
                (including Melani) when they make worthwhile
On Tue, 26 Jun 2007 13:58:32 EDT [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

In a message dated 6/26/07 1:55:37 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Simplicity is most notable by its absence.

Liz, when are your posts ever simple?  I think the notable thing here is
that, as often as you and I disagree, neither of us feels that calling
for Lewis Wendell's resignation is appropriate here.

That's simplicity!


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