Flip-flop, from a guy who is so far to the left of Lenin that he is often
to the right of Rush?
Just a consistent part of thoughtful, complicated living.
Al is good with words, but the real test is found looking at "Deeds".
He has sterling bona fides, if an MIT degree still counts for something.
He pays his bills, keeps his properties tidy, helps immigrants and has
helped to educate a child, not his own.
This weekend he postponed a trip to the shore to attend neighbor Marianne
Das's memorial service and he spoke with feeling about her contributions
to Spruce Hill and environs.
I am astounded at the way people pile on Al.
Is it jealousy because he really is so much smarter than so many of us?
Or is the "paranoia" of those made to feel like outsiders more valid than
most will admit?

P.S. Did you really mean to post "I favor constraints on civility." in
another of your recent posts?
Personally I favor civility, but accept 'delete' when incivility rankles.

On Mon, 30 Jul 2007 20:28:06 -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
    This is really interesting.  I thought Al was the kind of guy that
loves it when people are free to do their own thing, free of social
constraints.  Is this some kind of liberal flip flop?
   And, as I think I've mentioned before, one of my examples of childish
behavior is intentionally reversing someone's name repeatedly, thinking
its some sophisticated critique and refusing to acknowledge it.  


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