Halloween in the 'hood can be a lot of fun.
As the 10th of twelve, raised in a family that was often hungry,
Halloween was heaven.
For one night a year, there was no shame in foraging, and sweet treats
could be accumulated in quantities that could be rationed through
Some of my happiest memories are of neighbors (even strangers) who made
some extra effort through 
        performance art
        full sized candy bars
My desire to 'pay-it-forward' by hosting 'over-the-top decoration' and
full size candies for ALL comers coincided with 
Cynthia Preston's need for a "safe" place for neighborhood kids the
                            HALLOWEEN GARDEN GALA
Last year, with the help of many volunteers, we entertained
        1,560 kids and
           440 adults
With good weather, we might see an even larger crowd this year.
Bring toddlers, send older kids (no one is too tall or too old to receive
some treat at my home) to:
        4611 Springfield Ave
        Phila, PA 19143
        on 10/31
        from 5-7 PM
And, as an added bonus...
.... ABBRACCIO has offered to host a show of the photographs that we will
take at this years Halloween Gala.
The show is scheduled to Open on November 16 and run for a few weeks.
Cindy's Preston is trying to raise money to purchase additional items for
the many distribution stations she sets up inside the yard between our
front porch and the back gate exit.
In previous years she has coordinated stops within the garden for Fruit,
Juice 'Hugs', Cookies (from McDonalds), Toothbrushes (from the Penn
Dental School), Lollipops and promo items (from Commerce Bank), Toys,
Canned Sodas and her gift bags.
At each stop a costumed volunteer makes collecting the "Treat" as
interesting as possible.
It is possible to fill a mylar Town Watch Halloween bag, just walking
through our garden.
If you are able and willing to donate some money, or items, to make the
event better, please send contributions to:
        Payee : Squirrel Hill Police Substation
        4619 Chester Avenue, B101
        Phila, PA 19143
Send checks or deliver items ASAP, as things need to be in place by
Please note, I am not soliciting for our "porch".
We supply the decorations (for our porch and the Sub Station) and put
them up, take them down and repair and store them.
Our family also provides a full sized candy to every one who visits (last
year this expense was $750.00).
 I'm not seeking 'credit'.  Every smile and 'scream' is a lovely reward. 

This is information.  (People have questioned us.)
We welcome any contributions of time, treasure and talent that others can
make to improving the event.
We are grateful to the parents who bring kids by, and glad that older
kids stop by on their own.
Cyndy has already stuffed over 1,000 gift & candy bags.
Last year she had completed over 6,000 by the time Halloween rolled
This is just a part of her contribution of time and money.
We encourage our neighbors to host Trick or Treaters from 5-7 PM on
Halloween night.
If you have a porch, be sure to send clear signals...
...Lights on, decorations up, host near the doorbell for Treaters.
...Lights out, no decorations for those unable or unwilling to host the
If you do not have a porch, and want to experience the fun of hosting, I
welcome additional volunteers at my home, send a private e-reply.
We can use all of: Line Monitors, Candy Distributors, Face Painters &
Costume Consultants (for those without a costume), Actors, Decorators,
Cleanup Crew, Photographers, Battery Changers, Fog Makers, Bubble Machine
Happy Halloween!
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