Will I get all the decorations up by 5 PM?
I tried to get the big exhibits and sidewalk teasers up in advance and
some evil spirit(s) came along and stole some signs, 2 cheap plastic
skeletons, 2 beloved raffia angels (and beheaded the other 2) and other
items from the front.  
I heard several neighbors suffered the loss and destruction of pumpkins.
It is disheartening.
I hope good spirits rise above the petty crap to enjoy (and help others
enjoy) a Spook-tacular Halloween.
Sadly, the losses caused me to redirect my time, so that I'll spend all
day getting ready.
It would have been nice to stage the event, in time and to build a
crescendo among the neighbors, but the risk of decorations being taken or
destroyed is still to great.
In the plus column...
Several neighbors told me that they bought extra candy to accommodate the
hordes that will overflow unto their front steps.
I am delighted they embrace my Halloween goal and don't resent the annual
Special friends, one an original mini-station volunteer, dropped off
1,000 Tootsie Pops to supplement the Squirrel Hill Town Watch &
Substation offerings in the side yard.
Karen Allen, the volunteer treasurer of Cedar Park made extra efforts to
deliver a CPN donation to Squirrel Hill TW&PSS to support the side yard
Another local, a Penn grad that I've known for over 20 years wrote a very
generous check to help SHTW&PSS underwrite expenses.
John Fenton and Jannie Blackwell's office have promised to send treats
and coordinate volunteers
Cyndy tells me that many other people and businesses and the Garden Court
Community Association have also made donations to the Town Watch side of
this production.
My husband enabled me to spend an insane amount of money on the 2,500
full sized candy bars that my family is prepared to "treat" from our
front step, before directing Tricksters into the wilderness of the Town
Watch 'patrolled' side yard.
Many elementary students from St. Friends de Sales, and one teacher, Mr.
Thomas O'Connell volunteered time and energy.
Several of the kids are recent immigrants and it is awe inspiring to see
their whole hearted embrace of this odd holiday and to benefit from their
inspirations, flavored with alternative cultures.
Student volunteers from PENN'S Alpha Phi Omega, a coed service
fraternity, spent an afternoon
        changing batteries on animated items
        putting together items dismantled for storage
        coloring the "porch monsters", with magic markers
and more of them will come back today to help with distribution.
Jonathan Lee, the Vice President of Service, coordinated volunteers.
If any of their teachers, advisors or even peers are on these lists,
please let these young people know how much I value their good will and
good work.
They stage crew was Abby Dosertz, Young Kim,  Matthew Kwong, Leanna
Jaleyola, Courtney Kalkstein, Anna Lee, Tina Lee, Jennifer New Comer, 
Elaine Yip and Yvonne Wang.
Jonathan tells me that Yvonne Wang and Courtney Kalkstein will come back
to help out this evening and that they will be joined by new volunteers
Amy Lei, Amulya Penmetsa, Gina Li and Stephanie Conteh. 
Cyndy Preston has kept in touch and worked hard and smart.
She is the heart, soul and backbone of this event, even though I seem to
get more recognition, because the event takes place at 4611 Springfield.
We are odd partners.
She is a chain smoker whose focus is on safety and activities for young
children and I a rabid nonsmoker whose focus is on fun and building happy
memories and providing attention, inspiration and community across all
I am lucky to have been asked to help, and fortunate that I could.
Every year brings some moments of head butting and wonderment that we are
the Halloween team, and every year
I am awed by the energy and effort that tiny, fragile Cindy throws into
making each Halloween better than the one before.
If anyone feels trapped in an apartment and wants to volunteer and
participate, we can use 
        face painters, candy distributors, line monitors (costumed

So... while the petty thefts were annoying, the overwhelming evidence is
that most of our neighbors are good, generous and fun.
I hope all the good spirits, even those who choose anonymity, take a
moment to bask in their good deeds.
We hope to see most of you "Trick or Treating" tonight, between 5 and 7
PM at
        4611 Springfield Ave
Happy Halloween!
Liz Campion
(and Lawrence, Katie and Michael Motyka)

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