In an interesting twist, this 
        Penn Junior - alleged Burglar
is also the current "Mr. Penn" a bodybuilder.
Check out the You Tube video of his winning muscle presentation.

Anyway, it got me to thinking about the correlations between
        narcissism and greater ease in taking things that belong to
                other individuals
                a larger community
        narcissism and success
        definitions of success.

This kid theoretically "had it all" and sold himself out for portable and
fungible 'luxuries' like small electronics and DVDs

His 'crimes' are not as bad as the Wharton Prof who battered his wife to
death with his "Chin up bar", but I wonder if the crimes are on the same
continuum, and if they can be prevented, through better parenting,
education or therapy.
I don't want his next 'chance' to be back on a Campus that includes my
daughter, yet I hope his talents can be directed toward good and not
What should Society do?

It also got me to thinking about the Narcissism that lets Developers
build up and over and to encroach upon and perhaps diminish the quality
of life for others.
Sometimes change is good, sometimes it profits few, sometimes it leaves a
bankrupt hole in the fabric of a neighborhood.
What is a community to do?


On Mon, 3 Dec 2007 12:44:14 -0500 Frank <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
These kids really should know to lock their doors by now.

Between Nov. 21 and Nov. 26, Myers, then a Harnwell resident, allegedly
stole items from 10 different dorm rooms on various floors of the college
house. He stole only from rooms that were left unlocked, taking mostly


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