Garth installed our Boiler and boilers for friends, neighbors and
He is a "MASTER".
But he can get swamped.


On Thu, 03 Jan 2008 22:43:22 -0500 99 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hello there,
> I'm looking into getting a high-efficiency condensing boiler to 
> replace
> my old gas boilers.  Garth Gill came by to do an initial assessment 
> and
> it sounded like he would be able to do a very thorough job with 
> separate
> gas monitoring to attach 2 apartments to the same boiler, give me
> control over zones, etc., but I haven't been able to get back in 
> touch
> with him.
> Does anyone have a condensing boiler?  Do you like it?  Do you have 
> a
> sense of how much your heating bills dropped, if at all?  Suggest a 
> good
> installer?  I think all the usual suspects in the neighborhood are
> pretty busy, though I have some flexibility time-wise.
> Thanks,
> Steph

Elizabeth Campion                               Cell Phone: 215-880-2930
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