Below is a link to a very comprehensive list (845 posted and current
volunteer opportunities in Philadelphia, PA near NJ.)

This site also links to 1101 community based organizations in
Philadelphia, PA-NJ looking for Volunteers. 
Click on any organization title to learn more about that organization and
what help is most welcome..
These are long links, so if either breaks in transmission, please cut and
paste to close the gap(s).
Or Google
    "Martin Luther king Day Volunteer Projects, Philadelphia PA"
The link was at the top of the list.

I appreciate lots of what volunteers, (including Tony, but NOT limited to
the FoCP), do in and for Clark Park and other contributory work that
strengthens are people and improves this environment we call

I disliked a few points in Tony's response.

1. No one should be told,
"I can't imagine what useful work you could do..."
I can imagine lots of things that can be done now, by both organized
groups and by concerned individuals.
For Example:
I walked through the park today, as I do every other day, and noticed 
        a. what appears to be a killing amount of salt dumped on the
grass and near a tree, on the 45th street perimeter of the park at the
base of Regent Street.          
        b. wind blown litter
        c. wind swept twigs and limbs that could become trip and fall
This salt should be cleaned up.  
I mean to do it, but forget to load tools in my car.  
Maybe someone nearby can walk a bag, brush and dust pan over?
The twigs and litter would make a good, private project for an individual
or family.
There are times when a better planned event brings the benefit of
building community or providing cheer leading for good deeds, but as
individuals, we can we can learn, and train our children, in the quiet
satisfactions of doing what is right, without public notice.  I've found
this type of private volunteer excursion lets me teach (and learn from)
my kids and their friends.  Added benefits include fresh air, exercise
and intra-family bonding.

2. FoCP is not the only game in Clark Park.
I like most of the FoCP volunteers, but I recognize many are suspect to
I believe FoCP will grow better through inclusivity, and through creating
and posting community generated "Wish lists" and seeking out and
empowering more Volunteers to do, and lead others to do, approved items
which are on the "wish" list.
When I volunteer, nothing chases me away faster than micro management or
hearing criticism before thanks.
Volunteers should be invited to tackle any number of self directed,
maintenance or non permanent improvements.
It would be so easy to design tasks such as aerate around one tree, mulch
around one hedge row, pick up one full bag of litter.

3. Statements such as, "All true park-lovers are busy now on the
devilishly-difficult redesign of the beloved but deteriorated North
raise my hackles.  
It stinks of old time patrimony and competitive narcissism.
I consider myself a "true park-lover".  
I even have FoCP bona fides.
(My family was the FIRST money donor at the "Lifetime" membership rate.)
I am busy using the park, but volunteer in other areas in our community.
I want FoCP to trust that I am doing good somewhere else, and
I want to trust the people who volunteer for the park.
But FoCP, like Spruce Hill Community Association and a recent board of
the University City Swim Club has made TOO MANY moves that seem to come
from too far outside of our community and which seem poised to disengage
long time neighbors and center power in the hands of those with deeper
wallets and better keyboarding skills.

Dan, I don't know what your status is as regards to membership in FoCP,
but I appreciate your request for info on how to help.
It invited me to think about Martin Luther King and his goals, about our
neighborhood and our shared goals.
I hope you find something good to do to day.
I hope all my neighbors find ways to do good while doing well.

For those who want to work outside, in West Philadelphia, I noticed
volunteers are being welcomed at the John Heinz Center and at Smith

Happy New Year!


On Sun, 20 Jan 2008 23:45:31 -0500 Anthony West
> I don't know of any and none have been promulgated to Friends of 
> Clark 
> Park Members.
> That doesn't mean nothing is scheduled. It's a very busy park -- the 
> busiest Rec park in Philadelphia -- in which people are constantly 
> trying to do all sorts of things, and FoCP volunteers are constantly 
> trying to play catch-up with other folks' plans. But no one has told 
> us 
> of any projects they had in mind.
> I can't imagine what useful work you could do /inside the park/ in 
> mid-January either. This is the season for researching and 
> planning.
> All true park-lovers are busy now on the devilishly-difficult 
> redesign 
> of the beloved but deteriorated North Park, where the soil has been 
> so 
> pounded by overuse that grass can't grow anymore, and the sidewalks 
> have 
> crumbled so terribly that cerebral-palsied kids at the HMS School 
> next 
> door can't use the park in their wheelchairs. It's a shame and a 
> disgrace.
> Or they're working to schedule the Large Events for the peak season 
> of 
> 2008 so that all organizers get to express themselves without 
> abusing 
> the neighbors or tripping over each other.
> That's what we do in midwinter, Dan. Is there a task you would like 
> to 
> help on? Everyone is always welcome to help in the park.
> -- Tony West
> > Does anyone have up to date info on family-friendly service 
> projects in Clark
> > Park on MLK Day?
> >
> > Dan W.

Elizabeth Campion                               Cell Phone: 215-880-2930
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