This, from the latest minutes of the City Planning Commission (complete and 
You read it  here, first, on the ever-popular Popu-List

Courtesy of Al Krigman 

4) Information Only: Hilton Homewood Suites Hotel proposed at 41st  & 
Walnut Streets 
David Adelman, of Campus Apts, gave updates on the projects they have been  
working on for 2 ½ years. There are main 2 updates here. The first update, 
the  last time we stood here this Commission approved the project at 40th 
and Pine  Streets. It is ironic that going into this project we had no 
financing. We took  a great project that was at 40th and Pine, and we are 
to move it.  There were some controversies with the community, but not 
about the use. This  new project, which will support the Penn Medicine’s 
Proton Therapy  Center when it opens in November, will be an extended stay 
hotel near the  hospitals. The good news here is that we have located a site 
that Campus Apts  already owns. We are moving it to the 4100 block of 
Walnut Street. They will  continue the redevelopment of 4100 block of Walnut. 
will be a mixed-use  project of retail, residential and offices for Campus 
Apts. All told they are  looking at an 80 or 90 million dollar project. It is 
a really large private  investment, that we have not seen in West of the 
University of Pennsylvania in  some time.
Tom Lussenhop stated Campus Apts has been active in the acquisition of  
property in the neighborhood for about 6 years now. Having the degree of  
ownership enables them opportunities to make moves that they would not have 
The entrance of the extended stay hotel will be on Walnut with a drop-off 
in the  interior of the lot, and exit on 41st Street. This plan is the 
backbone of the  proposal. There will be 130 rooms, much larger than a regular 
hotel. Phase I  will be the 100,000 sq. ft. extended stay hotel. But because of 
the degree of  ownership that we are putting into this street the 
opportunity to extend that  development further, we don’t have a definitive 
development plan other than to  know that we have the capacity to development 
and the 
financing. We anticipate  retail and garage parking below grade with 45 or 
50 spaces. It will be a  mixed-use building with possible office space. We 
had to work with Hilton PCPC  to get them comfortable with the layout. We 
worked with the State’s Department  of Economic Development and PIDC, they have 
been very supportive of the project.  This is really the largest single 
private investment in this area. This is a  chance to see Chestnut and Walnut 
Streets and north of there to see some of the  large fallow sites that exist 
along there to hopefully attach themselves to this  private investment. In 
addition we have excellent transit. There is a 5 to 10  minute walk between 2 
major transit nodes. This will help both CHOP and Penn.  They don’t want to 
invest their money in hotels, even though they are critical.  Their money 
goes to cancer treatment and related research. They are very  supportive of 
this project.
Mr. Syrnick replied the previous time you had community opposition. Could  
you expand on that?

Mr. Lussenhop replied we met with Spruce Hill  Community Association in 
August on a very conceptual level. We weren’t asking  for any decision. I think 
the people, who were against the last location,  approve this location. 
Mr. Adelman replied the last time we didn’t have  opposition to the use. 
The problem was we had an old historic property that we  were adding to our 
building and we were creating height.
The height was the problem. 
Ms. Rogo Trainer asked when you come again for a Commission vote, what  
would you need from us. 
Ron Patterson, attorney, replied what we would be looking at is an  
adjustment on the FAR. We are not asking for “C5” but a “C4” with some  
adjustment; and we want to discuss if it is a plan of development or a Master  

Mr. Syrnick stated this is an information only item, we are not voting  on 
it. How long has it been vacant? 
Mr. Adelman replied the site itself has been cleared for about a year and a 
 half, but prior to that it was an abandoned old house. 
Mr. Syrnick stated you were talking about “L” shaped street. Is it a 
public  street or driveway serving your development? 
Mr. Adelman replied driveway. 
Ms. Olson Urtecho replied there is a big lack of hotels in West  

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