Brian Siano wrote:
The following is FOCP President Frank Chance's response to Glenn Moyer's recent messages.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: *Frank L. Chance* < <>>
Date: Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 10:02 AM
Subject: [focp-board] Re: What would honest people do?
To: Glenn < <>>
Cc: Board of FOCP < <>>

Responses interspersed below.

this is hilarious.

FRANK CHANCE: glenn, why aren't you a member of focp!

 GLENN MOYER: frank, why aren't you subscribed to uclist!

FRANK CHANCE: uclist is dysfunctional! has been for years!

 GLENN MOYER: focp is dysfunctional! has been for years!

FRANK CHANCE: focp is NOT dysfunctional! we work WITH ucd!

 GLENN MOYER: focp is ucd's PAWN! the park plans are ucd's!

FRANK CHANCE: no way! for example, ucd never ONCE posted
              park plans on that dysfunctional uclist!

 GLENN MOYER: yet ucd's so COSY with that dysfunctional

FRANK CHANCE: well uclist is dysfunctional! because of YOU!

 GLENN MOYER: and yet, for example, YOU'RE replying here!

FRANK CHANCE: glenn, you really should join focp!

 GLENN MOYER: frank, you really should join uclist!


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