There is a ridiculous argument happening on the NLNA boards about whether this 
happened in NL or Kensington because the body was found ½ block north of Girard 
Ave. People seem to think it makes a difference. It reminds me of many UC/West 
Philly discussions here. Your message is a welcome antidote.


On Jun 3, 2010, at 02:11 PM, wrote:

> Sabina Rose O'Donnell was murdered, in Northern Liberties in the very early 
> hours of Wednesday morning.  She was only 21.  
> According to news reports, she had a happy evening, of work, bar-hopping and 
> visiting a friend, before heading home at Midnight.  
> I remember her as a beautiful little girl, not a perfect age match to my kids 
> (now 19 and 23) but close enough in age and geography (she lived on 44th 
> Street) so that Birthdays, visits to Clark Park and swimming at the UC Swim 
> Club could be shared activities.  
> I don't know how best to break the news to my kids.  
> Sabina left West Philly when her parents moved away, and so there is some 
> distance, but finding an explanation for this brutal slaying seems almost 
> impossible.  When I first saw the news, it said she had just come from 
> California so I was hoping it was not our beautiful, much loved neighborhood 
> kid.  I contacted a friend who might still know her parents, for reassurance, 
> but the response was, 
> "Yes, Liz, it is. ... Sabina was a dear girl ..., and much loved. I don't 
> know how to help, myself. I mean what can anyone really do? I have, of 
> course, reached out to <her family>."
> I post this as others may know or remember Sabina and/ or her family.
> I would welcome a private reminder of happy memories.
> I hope many will pray for the repose of her soul and that her family will be 
> blessed with the grace and strength needed to survive this horror.
> I also hope that we reach out to the neighborhood children, now young adults, 
> who knew Sabina, and let them know that they are loved.
> It is not fair that Sabina could not travel 4 blocks, safely, but is is fact. 
> We need our children to live caution and sense.
> Joy and caution are not mutually exclusive.
> Separate notes:
> I attended a Memorial Mass for Anita Brothers this week.
> Anita lived to be 84, attended daily Mass at St. Francis de Sales, including 
> on the day she died.
> She died peacefully in her sleep.
> In the receiving line, before the Mass, Mr. Brothers mentioned that he and 
> Mrs. Brothers considered my mother "saintly" and had said a prayer for my 
> mother every day, since her death in 1981.  As "good Catholics" they may have 
> placed some special recognition on the fact that my mother had 12 children 
> and remained a faithful wife and stalwart mother until death took her.  
> I was and remain deeply touched by his comment and evidence of their devotion.
> Now that I am well over 50, memorial services are becoming sadly more 
> frequent.  
> It feels good to say a proper "goodbye" and interesting to read the Funeral 
> Brochures and obituaries to learn what is considered newsworthy and often not 
> known about someone who was a long time good neighbor.
> Some good News:
> Sr. Francis Joseph, R.A., from the convent at 1001 S. 47th St, survived a 
> recent, experimental heart surgery and is home.
> Anyone who knows our 90+ year old "PEACE PILGRIM" can easily imagine the 
> persistence and energy Sister Francis applied to convince the Doctors to 
> accept a nonagenarian into the program.  She is home in time for today's 
> feast to honor the June 3rd anniversary of the Canonization of the founder of 
> her order, Saint Marie Eugenie, RA.
> She taught Grace Kelly, at Raven Hill.  She led missions in France, India the 
> Philippines, South America and here in the USA.
> She continues to lead and inspire by volunteering at St. Francis de Sales.
> She promotes opportunities to learn and act through a lecture series at her 
> convent.
> I hope all who read this note take some action to send kindness, compassion, 
> courage and forgiveness forward, today and every day.
> All the best!
> Liz
> Elizabeth Campion
> 210 W. Rittenhouse Square, Suite 406
> Phila, PA 19103
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> 215-880-2930 Cell & Emergency
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> All the best in 2010 and beyond!
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