I don't disagree with the maxim "de gustabus non est disputandum."
But I wonder how many neighbors would disagree with me that -- ignoring the 
 other pros and cons of the "parklet" covered on this list -- a big reason 
for  disliking it is its ugliness.
Maybe a robot ambulating through the area would find the  industrial design 
attractive. But for at least some of us humans, a "park"  connotes a degree 
of rustication. When I first heard about it, but hadn't get  gone down to 
see what the brouhaha was all about, I pictured something that had  the 
appearance of a wooden deck, maybe even a pergola, with a floor  elevated a few 
steps off the ground. Something like the illustration below, only  longer and 
narrower, with one or two steps running the whole open  length.

More of a Leggo than an Erector Set construction, but still standardized  
for easy assembly and disassembly.  

Any thoughts (non-ad-hominem if possible) on this, one way or another? If  
we're going to have this sort of thing, maybe we can make some suggestions 
about  not creating eyesores in the process.
You read it  here, first, on the ever-popular Popu-List

Courtesy of Al  Krigman

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