In a message dated 4/25/2012 8:54:56 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

A  sincere THANK YOU to all of you that supported Jim and his campaign. I 
hope  you were able to cast your vote for him and the issues he has fought 
for over  the years, on behalf of the 188th district. 

November  elections will be here soon. Stay tuned for updates and 
opportunities to  support Jim. 

This is from this morning's Inquirer: 
The realities are ugly, leaders said Tuesday - the Philadelphia  School 
District is nearly insolvent, lags behind most other urban districts in  
academics, and loses students to charters because parents believe it does not  
keep their children safe.
"What we do know through lots of history and evidence  and practice is that 
the current structure doesn't work," School Reform  Commission Chairman 
Pedro Ramos said. "It's not fiscally sustainable and it  doesn't produce 
high-quality schools for all kids." 
So, at the SRC's direction, Chief Recovery Officer  Thomas Knudsen on 
Tuesday announced a plan that would essentially blow up the  district and start 
with a new structure. 
The plan - subject to public comment and SRC approval -  would close 40 
schools next year and 64 by 2017, move thousands more students  to charters, 
and dismantle the central office in favor of "achievement  networks" that 
would compete to run groups of 25 schools and would sign  performance-based 

Jim Roebuck had a brush with defeat yesterday but pulled through  because 
of many people in the neighborhood who think of him as an honest,  
hard-working, and sincere Representative. 
One of the reasons he had a tough haul was, of course, the money and  the 
tactics used by his opponent and her backers. 
Another reason, I believe, is that Jim is perceived as holding the  
position that better funding of the "same-old/same-old" approaches that  
haven't been working -- and which won't be turned around by more money  in 
the hands of the people who've not invested wisely to date. 
Whether you agree or disagree with the above (and there's room for  
reasonable people to disagree!), he owes it to his constituents -- those who  
supported as well as those who voted against him -- to take a public stand on  
what Knudsen and Ramos are apparently planning. If Jim agrees with it, he 
should  explain why then throw his support behind it. If he disagrees (wholly 
in  part), he should explain why, then become involved in the process of  
accommodation to arrive at a compromise. 
Jim... stand up and be counted.


Alan Krigman
KRF Management, ICON/Information Concepts  Inc
211 S 45th St, Philadelphia PA 19104-2918
215-349-6500, fax  215-349-6502 or

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